U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc.
We Harvest The Crops That Feed The World

The U.S. Custom Harvesters Hall of Fame


Tim and Nita Foslien, Benson, Minn. - (2015)

Tim and Nita Foslien have spent 37 years as custom harvesters. Their partnership and positive attitudes have set a standard in the harvesting business that others look up to. They raised their daughters while harvesting and continue to run a first-rate enterprise built on respectful relationships with their clients, fellow harvesters and employees.

"Combining and harvest have always been a family event, and everyone helped," said farmer Paul Brutlag. "Nita helped with everything. She helped combine, helped feed us, and helped keep our tempers in line when the stress got high. Nita and her kids brought an irresistible harvesting joy to our kids."

Tim first got into harvesting in 1976. At the time he was teaching war veterans' agriculture classes, and a student persuaded him to go on harvest. When the student had an emergency and had to leave, Tim struggled on to finish. It wasn't easy, but that first harvest instilled a sense of ambition in Tim that has lasted through the years. And Nita has stood steadfastly by his side, supporting and working right alongside Tim.

"Foslien keeps plodding along, a tomorrow-will-be-better smile on his face and prayer for optimal weather," wrote reporter Tim Kjos in a 1990 newspaper article.


Tim & Nita Foslien