U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc.
We Harvest The Crops That Feed The World

USCHI Memorial Scholarship Program

From the first pioneers who blazed the trail cutting the golden harvest across this great country, to the truly modern harvesters of today with their magnificent machines and entourage, it is to these people that we dedicate this scholarship program.

It has been a goal of USCHI to provide funding for scholarships through the following various activities: Quilt sales - Raffle; Silent Auction; Memorial Donations; Honorary Donations; and Auction Donations.

The amount of each scholarship awarded will be paid on a semester basis. The first semester will be paid when the USCHI office receives 'official' notice of enrollment and after the drop period. The second semester will be paid when the USCHI office receives copy of the first semester grades.

All applicants must have some direct family ties to a current USCHI Regular Member. In addition, applications would be considered if the applicant was directly related (son or daughter) to a deceased member. Deceased member must have been a Regular Member within the last two years of their death for the application to be considered.

Scholarship packets must be submitted to the USCHI office to be received by December 1st.