U.S. Custom Harvesters, Inc.
We Harvest The Crops That Feed The World

The U.S. Custom Harvesters Hall of Fame


Lloyd Wente, Hennessey, Okla. - (2015)

When Lloyd Wente was forced to make a decision between custom harvesting and farming, the choice was clear. Custom harvesting won out and he has continued that career for 57 years.

Lloyd has the uncanny ability to remember every field location of each individual farmer while remembering even the tiniest details. Whether rain, shine or snow, Lloyd took great pride in getting a good sample in the bin. He has been described as someone who would always take the time to listen and show support to his team and to the farmers for whom he worked so hard.

"Lloyd always made the days a little easier and better," remembers farmer Bruce Young.

Though 25 years were spent working in Grant, Neb., Lloyd has crisscrossed the country. He has gone as far north as British Columbia and Alberta, Canada, as far west as Bakersfield, Calif., and Pasco, Wash. From 2000 to 2006, he ran a crew from Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, to Washington State.

After 57 hardworking years in the business, Lloyd Wente is reluctantly retiring. He has earned the respect and trust of countless farmers from Texas to Montana and beyond.


Lloyd Wente