The U.S. Custom Harvesters Hall of Fame
Gordon and David Haynes, Odell and Vernon, Texas - (2015)
Gordon Haynes, with his mechanical knack and engineering mind, built an enduring custom harvest operation that has run smoothly for more than 56 years. Gordon Haynes Harvesting has always been a family enterprise. Gordon started in 1958 with one combine and a truck with his brother, Larry, and wife, Laura Jane. In the late 1970s, he employed his sons, David and Garry Wayne, as crew managers. In time, David joined the operation, and he brought his daughters McKinsey, Melanie and Miranda out into the fields, teaching them to operate the combines and tractors.
In the late '70s and early '80s, Gordon placed an order with International Harvester for eight IH 1480 machines with 30 foot headers. He made the front cover of the IH Forum magazine. By the time Gordon traded those machines two years late, they each had more than 2,000 hours of them. Then he went back to John Deere. Gordon and David became so proficient at running John Deere machines that dealerships would call them with mechanical questions about the equipment.
Gordon also started working with Ohio State University in the early '80s to bring young men from Europe to work on harvest. To this day, Gordon Haynes Harvesting supports the exchange student programs by employing workers from South Africa, the United Kingdom and Ireland. And through all the training, Gordon and David stressed the importance of running a safe operation.
"I know these two are not knights in shining armor," writes a former employee. "They have made mistakes, screwed up at times, but they both loved their family and being in the harvesting business. There are lots of guys around the world that have done harvest with them. It was tough, almost like being in the army at times, but they taught you respect and how to look after yourself. We had lots of laughs, and as Gordon used to say, 'You work hard, you play hard.' We did that, and loved our time with the Haynes family."
In 2008, poor health forced Gordon to retire and in 2012, after a lengthy struggle with cancer, he passed away. David continued on without his dad, but Gordon's passing took a noticeable toll on him. In 2014, David retired and died from a heart attack in August of that year.
Gordon & David Haynes